
Response to Public Theologian

The blogosphere is alive and well! Public Theologian responded to my comments on Dignan's entry, "Agreeing to Disagree." Here is a copy of my response to the response. (It's true: I have nothing original to say; I only can respond!)

In regards to the power of corporations, I am reminded of an idea I first encountered when reading the social theorist Craig Gay. If I remember correctly (it has been several years), he mentioned that the major difference between those who favor capitalism and those who oppose it stems from their views regarding private power. Those who favor capitalism tend to believe that private power ebbs and flows: sometimes, a limited number of actors will hold lots of economic power, while later, said power get dispersed due to innovation and competition. Those who oppose capitalism see private power as remaining centralized.

Since I tend to side with the former view (private power ebbs and flows), I generally do not see a need for a large state, which itself is more likely to hold onto power and not let go.

In terms of living with others (particular fellow Christians) who hold different views, I wholeheartedly agree. We should make every effort to demonstrate the grace and humility of Jesus with all of our neighbors, not just fellow believers. However, there does come a point when unity becomes logistically impossible. If one half of a congregation supports the ordination of a gay pastor and the other half does not, and if both sides hold this as a defining issue, then the division within the congregation is, by defintion, irreconcilable. While sad (and certainly not ideal from a Biblical perspective), is it not better to give people the freedom to go their separate ways peacefully? What other option—besides coercing someone to remain part of a congregation with which he/she has fundamental disagreement—is there?


At 3/02/2005 9:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The problem is that we are NOT seeing the kinds of things that capitalism is supposed to produce. Wealth is now concentrating in the hands of a few (consolidation) and the inequity between the top and bottom has never been greater--and it is widening by the quarter. These same corporations are increasingly regulating themselves on the honor system as federal oversight is rolled back. At the same, citizen's rights of redress are being taken from them (no more class action suits in state courts) and the opportunity for a second chance (rollback of bankruptcy protection) has now been seriously eroded. We are the only western democracy who will not offer basic health care for all of its citizens and as such have atrocious numbers in comparison to health outcomes in the rest of the world. We have plenty of money but it's the private preserve of a handful, unlike other societies, who see such inequality as toxic.

The notion that the invisible hand of the market would ameliorate the plight of the marginal has thus proved illusory.


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